Build audience, before you build the product

What’s one thing common among all those successful product hunt launches? They started with building an audience first before launching them. Take a look around - makers kitchen, reddit, hacker news, product hunt and any other avenues where you see the launch of the tech and software products and the discussions around them - long before the product is actually “launched”, these builders talk about their products frequently. As in the comments for related posts, answering questions to gain reputation, blogging and building audience in the form of newsletter subscribers, podcasting or even engaging actively in the makers communities....

Fri, May 17, 2019

Writing as a Habit

Writing is hard. Incredibly hard. How many times have you tried to write a blog post on a general interesting topic (outside of your work task) but dropped the idea altogether? Last week there was a lunch table conversation with my friends and that’s when I realized I have this blog lying around without an update for over 30 months. I moved this blog from medium platform to a serverless infra and migrated my only two posts from Medium to here....

Thu, Jan 24, 2019