Freemium & Subscription

3 or 4 different pricing plans with a free plan with limited set of features or limit on usage - explained below. Anyone can signup for the product without a credit card and can upgrade once the limits are reached. Automated mails are sent to users based on the usage, nudging them to upgrade to a paid subscription plan.

Products experiment with their pricing frequently and see what sticks with them. Like having no credit card requirement for the trial period, charging $1 for the first month so you have customer’s cc on file and regular monthly subscription later on.

Price per seat & features

The features are grouped in different buckets and pricing is charged per member according to the selected bucket/plan. All team members are usually in the same plan for this. All CRM, automation, helpdesk and most other B2B SaaS businesses follow this pricing pattern.

Value add pricing

In this pricing pattern, in addition to the per seat & feature based pricing, there’s also a flat fixed fee for the value adding. These services could be in the form of setup/installation, phone support, additional reporting plugin etc.

Usage based pricing

Pricing of AWS is a classic example. Everything is dynamic and configurable. Pricing depends on the usage it has. Billing down to per second of usage.

Flat fixed fee

No matter the features or the usage patterns you have, the businesses charge a flat fee. This is also license or seat based fee. e.g: Sketch

Dynamic & Tiered pricing

The more you use, the lesser you pay. e.g: VoIP services. The pricing also changes based on the country you are in (e.g: wesbos javascript courses)

If you have come across any more example of different pricing mechanism, I’d love to hear.