Tech Cheatsheet for the Non Technical PM

If you are from a non CS background, but are venturing into technical product management you might find it overwhelming to communicate with your engineers. Here’s a quick list of tech jargon that makes it easy to get an undetstanding of how the tech side of things work. API - Application Programming Interface. All modern apps backend is created using APIs so it’s easy for one or more applications to talk with each other....

Fri, Jan 17, 2020

Writing a good PRD - Download Template

There are many templates and formats people follow while writing a PRD (product requirement document), based on the industry or the market their product is catering towards. Download this SaaS PRD template, here: SaaS PRD template - Google Docs The template has all the sections and placeholder texts helping you understand what each section is and how it has to be filled. Here’s a good article which in which Manas explains how he formulates the PRD....

Fri, Jan 3, 2020

4 Underrated Product Management Tasks

Good product managers are more of a generalists than specialists in any organisation. Right from idea brainstorming and validation to getting the final feature shipped with good UX and KPIs monitored after launch, a product manager has her finger prints all over. While lot of PM talk revolves around the good parts, there are some grunt tasks that a product manager has do to get their feature successful. Let’s look at some of the less exciting / celebrated tasks of a product manager....

Thu, Dec 26, 2019